About Justin
When one matures, he or she begins to understand what it is that makes himself spiritually thrive in life, or what makes him…wilt.
My 20’s
At the time a hard drive was 220MB I took my first major leap in life and started a computer company. Eventually it turned into a software company. Fast forward a few years and I had the realization that I enjoyed creating the businesses, but I was feeling uninspired running the day to day. Around that time, I had taken photos of my children (McCade & Brooklyn) for family gifts. The creative seed was planted.
I took another leap – To leave the software world to become a portrait photographer. My goal was to work hard and enjoy life as a starving artist with money being secondary. I worked hard on my portfolio, networked, and luckily and quickly found myself working for companies like Sony Playstation, Microsoft, Major League Baseball, MGM Corporation, UFC/Xyience, and more. Life had rapidly changed for me. From coaching my children’s sports teams and building furniture in the garage, to traveling the world and working with some of the most creative and positive people in the world. It all has been a wonderful surprise and complete joy for me.
First big shoot for Playstation early in my photography career - with Origin Studios
Present Day
As I think we ALL have several times in our lives, I said to myself, “I want to try painting sometime.” Then I saw a piece and my world changed...again.
Artist unknown